original issue printed in 2008, this is the fourth book from the STUDIOSTRIP edition created with FABRIKA KNJIGA. contains work contributed by various studiostrip/kosmoplovci authors and collaborators:
- Relja Pajić - Naslovna strana - Danijel Savović - Raskalović: Tragedija; Te večeri ispod mosta - Aleksandar Opačić - Najbolji Raskal; Neimenovani; Venezia, 1936; Te večeri ispod mosta; Novi Raskal; Gospodjice, gospodjice - Lazar Bodroža - Te večeri ispod mosta - Radovan Popović - Te večeri ispod mosta; Novi Raskal; Gospodjice, gospodjice; Mali Raskal; Ne tako mali Raskal - Igor Hofbauer - Amigos per la siempre
the official page of the book can be seen here>> http://www.fabrikaknjiga.co.rs/more.php?book=131
the official page of the edition can be seen here>> http://www.fabrikaknjiga.co.rs/ed.php?ed=7
as you can see, there has been some effort there invested, so do buy your copy if you can.
meanwhile, since accessibility of the book is very small and more or less limited to belgrade, and its content is too important to collect dust in any corner of the planet, we are now releasing a free version of the book, available for download here at this page and from other places over a vast network.
the name of the file to download would be: studiostrip.kosmoplovci.raskal.300dpi.2008.KNET0128.pdf (44MB pdf, 63 pages in 300dpi)
and here it is also as a public torrent to share: studiostrip.kosmoplovci.raskal.300dpi.2008.KNET0128.pdf.torrent
---- studiostrip.kosmoplovci.net fabrikaknjiga.co.rs www.kosmoplovci.net 15/08/2010