patrijarh2: otadzbina zove // septembar-oktobar 404
porno star // septembar 404
operation // jun 404
gospodin milesa // maj 404
go // april 404
detmen // februar 404
bizar // februar 404
horroretard // januar 404
legal murder // januar 404
gorski vjenac // januar 404
marko kraljevic pije vino uz ramazan protiv muse kesedzije // avgust E003
marko kraljevic // avgust E003
krpelj240 // jul E003
rupa // jun E003
nejunackom vremenu uprkos // jun E003
// maj E003
zabavnik 7 // april E003
zadrugar (elektronski) 7 // april E003
striper #1 // januar E003
electric striper,
also known as striper eleven, is out on internet now, and physical version
will be presented to public first time on january 15th Eoo3 on celebration
party presentation in the form of hardcore party where kooi and bgyss will
present other new scientific and technical achievements as well. >>
finally achieved ideal of comic magazine without
comics, towards which striper aims from the very beginnings and first issue.
selected authors from last ten issues, more
than thirty works and less than thousand. and all that on barely 193mb 3inch
interdisciplinary, psykoactive,
megamedia product in whose development participated some of the most established
members, as well as the others.
illustrations, sounds, films, demos, animations, games, movements and statics.
o6-sep-5oo2 - o6-oct-5oo2
serbian national library, belgrade
the first setting of kosmoplovci's 'kosmos museum'
made it's premiere on o6-sep-5oo2, in serbian national library in belgrade.
the multisensual opening event featured exclusive
kdes performance in open space in front of the library, as well as kosmoplovci's
video projection setup behind kdes crew. 2kw soundsystem transmited 45
minutes of specially designed live elektronik kdes performance in front
of what probably is the most innovative exhibition that happened in belgrade
for ages.
the 'side effect' of this exhibition is the 'put
u kosmosu' [voyage in kosmos] catalogue featuring 60 pages of exclusive
graphic novels and experiments in a very bad - almost fanzine-like print.
put u kosmosu exhibition presented the selection
of work by complete kosmoplovci group, and the catalogue feature additional
guest apperarances.
there are very few copies of catalogue left, but
you may still try to find it in beopolis bookstore or by contacting us
in the most unexpected flow of events, studiostrip
and kosmoplovci got a 3 weeks exhbition time from June 17th until July
5th in REMONT gallery in belgrade.
for this occasion, kosmoplovci constructed a labirynth
out of 40 large strip/design posters, including fullsize digital prints
of 9SMRTININJE. all posters, sized 100x70cm each, were made especially
for this occasion and include work by all kosmoplovci members, plus lots
of contributions from other outside colaborates.
for this occasion, kosmoplovci designed and printed
a special 42 pages book/catalogue which was given away at the opening
in special hand-made paper covers, and after the event it's availability
has been made through beopolis bookstore in belgrade youth center.
in the usual kosmoplovci spirit, we've made complete
content available online, and still some of the limited edition print
versions are available upon request.
trece izdanje studiostrip-a zove se 'nasi ljudi
na divljem zapadu'.
visedimenzijalna postavka dodatne epizode u 3d,
sa naucnim osvrtom na cuveni dogadjaj iz kosmogonijske mitologije o drami
kod portala #84 nalazi se na najuglednijem mestu studiostrip internet
sekcije kosmoplovaca koja se nalazi na internet adresi studiostrip internet
sekcije kosmoplovaca.
kung fu - freedom fighters... bruce lee against
superman... mute shaolin against green dragon... bruce lee in 30th century...
dragons die hard... ambush in narrow area... voldizni... studiostrip...
kosmoplovci... beopolis bookstore... and everybody else... present...
new release...
>> B R U C E L E E - w e a
d m i r e y o u . . .
the ultimate anthology of kung fu comics and another
gem from studiostrip/kosmoplovci production!!!
soon at your place...for now...
kung fu - borci za slobodu... brus li protiv supermena...
nemi saolin protiv zelenog zmaja... brus li u tridesetom veku... zmajevi
tesko umiru... zasjeda u skucenom prostoru... voldizni... studiostrip...
kosmoplovci... knjizara beopolis... i svi ostali... predstavljaju... novo
>> B R U S L I - m i t i
s e d i v i m o . . .
ultimativna antologija kung fu stripa i jos jedno
hit izdanje studiostrip produkcije kosmoplovaca!!!
uskoro i kod sada...
>> brusli online
>> knjizara beopolis,
hol doma omladine
beograd, makedonska 22