![]() scene strike history:
strike logo by ilke/pas maters. |
scene strike history. scene
strike demo parties are initiated and organised by corrosion
computer group. first 3 events happened in cinema rex, but later corrosion
discontinued this cooperation because of dangerous political influences
cinema rex, as part of b92, started to impose on group, threating to spoil
the spirit of SCENE STRIKE and demoscene in full. sixth
scene strike will happen in august 5002 as part of SFEF festival, a continuation
of JFJF festival which was happening every summer in subotica. together
network, with support from belgrade's youth center, scene strike and SFEF
continue with independendent art support and development. scene strike one / creative tech week. first scene strike party - [ss1] was held in may'97 as a part of bigger multimedia event called creative tech week. it was the first large scale gathering of yugoslav artists from various aspects of computer art. ctw lasted five days filled with exibitions of cyberpunk ilustrations, sculptures and art, video presentations, techno concert and cyberpunk movies projection. the demo party was held on fourth day of ctw, and it was not really a party, but the biggest organised demo scene compo at the moment. many people visited the party and brought music, graphics and demos for both amiga and pc. this party proved the yugoslav demo scene existance and was just announcement for even better and more important events. as a result of good cooperation and friendship, a creative tech week website was made together with Vuk Cosic, net.artist and our friend from Slovenia. scene strike two. great reactions to ss1 made us think about how should future ss parties look like, and soon enough we realised that scene strike demo party series must be taken away from the creative tech week concept because there are just too many incompatibilities between the demo scene way and mainstream way of aprroaching the technology. the other, not less important reason, is that demo scene is far more active then the 'artistic' scene, so ctw simply could not follow the pace demo scene needs and sets. soon enough, we sorted out the organising stuff and set the date of scene strike 2 [ss2] to september 27-28, 1997. it was our first try to make a real demo scene party, lasting two days, giving sceners the opportunuty to gather, chill out, swap and enjoy various party events at ease, not running for deadlines at the same moment of entering the partyplace. ss2 was great success, although there were no big breathtaking prizes announced nor given. some scene cd-rom collections and music releases from trsi-recordz were given to the winners, but nowone really cared. everyone had a great time enjoying the scene spirit of real non-profit gathering [did i say that entry fee was none?]. scene strike three. almost year passed until scene strike 3 [ss3] took place. the time between two parties was however not spent on holidays. in february'98 we started with the update demo showdown - a monthly event focused on demo scene popularisation and helping yugoslav sceners to see and get the latest scene productions released worldwide. this still ongoing project helped a lot in spreading the word about current hapennings in the scene and surely had influence on quality of yugoslav productions. productions released on ss3 represent giant leap, both in quality and group productions quantity. 6 demos, 2 intros and 2 great animations were released along with some exceptional pieces of sound and vision. we even had some nice prizes to give to amiga & pc demo compo winners - color printer for winning amiga demo and color scanner for winning pc demo. third scene strike party finally succeded in creating the right party atmosphere - there were many people with their computers, two video beams were installed with special demo showdowns and dual playstation gaming for everyone... and it didn't stop there! even after ss3 party, yu demo scene hailed activity like never before, demos, intros and source codes started to pop up regardless the parties and finally yugoslav demo scene could call itself active. i know there are some more people feeling very happy about it. more scene strikes? whenever we find chance and enough energy to throw another SCENE STRIKE, be sure that there will be one, so keep on innovating and scening, and make sure you do something to support the scene too! domin8r/corrosion. 13-jul-5002. |