joyride soundtrack

asked by game developers of car racing game for amiga - joyride, we made the complete musical score for this rather cool test drive type racing game. 10 cdda tracks and 4 ingame modules are adapted for joyride, including even some older music, in a bit brushed out remixed state.

soundtrack music style is sort of melodic breakbeat/triphop/jungle, somehow the fitting choice for this kind of games.

some tracks are now available for download in mp3 or mod form. note that the tracks for download can be a bit different than the ones included in game, since we did some remixing when prepared the game soundtrack.

music was composed by domin8r and asarhad. remix and cd preparation/adaption is done by domin8r.

for more information about the game, you can go to joyride page at titan computer, the publisher of the game.
