pure digital
after the release of ITTIS, almost a year passed in musical inactivity, due to the goa expansion in yugoslavia, and our hatred towards it. we were going deep into opposing the politicaly organised music system and went totally digital. we started to release our music in the form of computer music modules, and made 39 releases in a period of only 6 months, from december'97 to may'98. we continued digital releases later on, but this period was really packed!
this pure digital attitude created an even greater distance between our production and 'normal' music development, and lowered our chances to fit into the system even more.
destiny wanted dominator to meet a dj who liked the modules very much, even more than usual music releases found on various labels. They together came up with an idea to start making audio cd compilations with the modules from the net. idea, however wasn't new to dominator - trsi records already is doing so, but since our musical taste quite differs and since we are music creators too, we decided to start this pure digital series and release something different than just trance copies, together with our original music artwork. dominator had the knowledge of how to prepare digital music for audio cd cut and post production, and together they had the nerves to listen to hundreds of modules and choose only the best for pure digital cdda compilations.
the original intention of these compilations was to allow him (difoul) to play computer modules in his regular djing set at the AKADEMIJA night club in belgrade. the debut of this cd was more than great and proved that quality digital music can, by all standards, be played along with any other 'professional made-in-a-studio' tracks.
'PURE DIGITAL' quickly became part of his regular set, and it's great success gave us energy to continue this development and create more sequels to PURE DIGITAL. at the moment, this release is not available for sale, because it is not our intention to abuse original authors and their labels. cd-r snapshot will be used only for us to be able to play these fine tracks in our dj sets. cd release might become reality if and when we come to some agreement with original authors - we are NOT intending to rip anyone off, this project is here to promote demo scene music.
meanwhile, you can download the archives with original releases by clicking on track names.
track list:
compiled, performed & produced by domin8r.
©&® CoRRoSioN 1998.