kosmoplovci radio transmission 21/03/2006 []-------------------------------------------------------- corrosion module releases, started in pre-www and pre-mp3 times, were first ever electronic music releases to come out of serbian musicians. they were distributed through bbs networks, aminet archive and corrosion music website, but not everyone knew what to do with mod, xm, it, med and dbm fileformats, so their reach was somehow limited. in 2006, studiosound/kosmoplovci are preparing to re-issue complete set of 60 CRSMOD releases in mp3 format, here are some of the tunes, taken from releases CRS00001-CRS00022, originally composed and released in 1997... []-------------------------------------------------------- asarhad - bassehop asarhad - diablosmundos dominator - 6-0-1rmx phuzzy logik - linea metrica asarhad - perfectly normal beast dominator - deadbeat asarhad - imagine a tree dominator - xternal eternal phuzzy logik - rancid raven dominator - stolen petardo phuzzy logik - blackbreak asarhad - refundation dominator - conspirators phuzzy logik - naked asarhad - subsidive neophyte asarhad - vekaritihualtanaja phuzzy logik - snooza da breaka phuzzy logik - shd phuzzy logik - who is the king phuzzy logik - primitive dominator - splash phuzzy logik - wrath of the guild dominator - burning out ---------------------------------------------------------- 77:29