Konkurs za Festival novog filma i videa ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2005 je
otvoren. Festival ce biti održan od 7. do 11. decembra 2005. godine.
Filmovi i video radovi mogu se prijaviti do 25. oktobra 2005.
na adresu:
Akademski filmski centar
Dom kulture »Studentski grad«
Bul. AVNOJ-a 179
11070 Novi Beograd
Serbia and Montenegro
Radove slati uz popunjen odštampan prijavni
list. Pravo ucešca imaju svi autori iz regiona bivše Jugoslavije.
Selekciona komisija odredice koji filmovi ulaze u takmicarski, odnosno
u informativni program, a žiri festivala ce odluciti koji filmovi ce biti
svrstani na listu posebnih ostvarenja. Nagradeni radovi bice objavljeni
na DVD izdanju “Alternative film/video 2005”, a nagradeni autori dobijaju
mogucnost da snime sledeci film/video u produkciji Akademskog filmskog
centra, uz obezbeden smeštaj i hranu u Studentskom gradu u trajanju od
mesec dana u toku naredne godine.
Za Festival se mogu predložiti i video instalacije i performansi, koji
ce se odvijati u galerijama Doma kulture “Studentski grad” ili drugim
adekvatnim Festivalskim prostorima.
Prateci program: Mreže
Prošlogodišnje izdanje ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2004 napravilo je pregled
festivalskih aktivnosti u regionu, pa ce se ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2005
posvetiti nastalim i nastajucim vezama, centrima i mrežama, koje ubrzavaju
komunikaciju i razmenu, ali i upucuju na novo shvatanje, definisanje,
pakovanje, produkciju i ulogu filma, videa i vizuelnog stvaralaštva uopšte,
te ce u pratecem programu akcenat biti na mapiranju mrežne infrastrukture
regiona, odnosno planiranju strategija njenog širenja i unapredenja. Ovakva
organizacija otvara u regionu veliki potencijal za razvoj nezavisne produkcije
i njenu distribuciju. Referentni okvir bice omogucen upoznavanjem sa relevantnim
primerima u Evropi i svetu.
Call for entries for Festival of new film and video ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO
2005 has been announced. Festival will take place from December
7. to 11. 2005. Films and videos can be applied until
October 25. 2005. to:
Academic Film Center
“Students’s City” Cultural center
Bul. AVNOJ-a 179
11070 Novi Beograd
Serbia and Montenegro
Send the works with filled printed application
form. All authors from ex-Yugoslav region have right to participate.
Selection comitee will decide which films will be in competition program,
and which in informative program. The jury will decide which films and
videos are on the List of special achievments which awards the authors
the right to realize next film or video in Academic Film Center production,
as guests (full accomodation) of AFC during one month that year and places
their awarded works in the selection ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2005 published
as a DVD non-comercial ALTERNATIVE publication.
Performances and video installations can also be applied for the Festival,
and they will take place in SCCC galleries or other adequate Festival
Following programs: Networks
Last year festival edition - ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 04 - gave an insight
to the festival activity in the region, and this year ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO
2005 will be dedicated to currently operating and upcoming networks, connections
and centers, which accelerate the communication and exchange, but also
indicate a new comprehension, definition, packing, production and the
role of the film, video and visual creativity in general. So, in the following
programs of ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2005 the emphasis will be on the mapping
of the infrastructure of the region, its spreading and improving possibilities.
Organizing such network opens a potential in the region for development
of independent production and its ditribution. Referent frame will be
provided by presenting relevant examples from Europe and the world.