video releases::road to hell

astonished with road to hell movie made by our friends which appear nowadays under name mladi kadrovi', we offered to make a soundtrack, and add the music aspect of the great story of traveling without moving in the wrecked car on the fields of belgrade outskirts.

we picked the n2o tune and did a remix in order to fit the timings of road to hell low-fi experience. when music was prepared, final version was simply made using 1 vhs player, 1 of our amiga running digibooster, our handmade audio mixer and 1 vhs recorder to record the picture and new mixed music+sound to new master.

again, only one master exists on vhs, and it was first shown at 32 DAYS AFTER showdown, in the low-fi video annual new short films presentation. one of the plans dating even from those days was to include the film on forthcoming n2o ep cd release on corrosion music, but who knows...

video: mladi kadrovi
music: domin8r & paranoid

release date:

download not available
