pc demo productions::psykedelik

Yes, remarkable, isn't it? A tin-can fuckin' demo like production by those hardcore Amiga-sykoes; tha CoRRoSioN passe! Wallow in this filth, until we get around a li'll bit and pump out another (proper) Amiga release. Until then kick in with this "throw -yar -spliff -in -the -air -and -njoy -dA -bullshit -tro"... and dO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOTHERFUCKiNG LEGALiZE iT !!!
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: runs on any fuckin' shit from 286 up, but the better the machine, the better this looks. Although I do prefer the 486/DX2 mode to the pantium one. Needs a VGA (ofkoz) and a Sound Blaster 2.0 compatible card. Dunno if it works with GUS.
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: it needs BILLY DOS (tm) which can be obtained from Billy's Brainless Small And Limp fuckin domineering and monopolistic software zaibatsu. Other than that, naught much else is required.

lethal injection. code malfunction. information overlord. subliminal torture. psykedelik.

code: phuzzy logik
sfx, gfx & dezign: domin8r

release date:

crs-psyk.zip [main site]
crs-psyk.zip [amigascne]

zip archive, 191k.