ascender.067 is probably our most advanced software rendering
realtime generated programmed computer audio/visual sensation created
so far. it was first presented on 17-feb-2001 in city of novi sad where
it won the demo compo!
the crowd suprisingly liked it.
you may happen to like it too.
demo runs in any screenmode selectable from your card offerings, autodetects
32/24/16 bit depth, and additionally offers switch to run in window mode
and in low memory mode with reduced texture and graphics quality trying
to avoid swapping on machines with only 64MB of ram. demo uses bass player
v0.8a and intel jpeg lib v1.5.
recommended system for pleasant viewing means win9x or later machine with
128MB ram and as much processing power you can get.
more power means more resolution means more fun. right?
3d/design/gfx: domin8r
code: griffin
code: tatar
music: phase
gfx/textures: asarhad
whitenoise anim: paran0id |
release date:
crs-a067.zip [main

zip archive,
4.6mb |