amiga demo productions::crs party intro

Party intro is the first and unfortunatelly only production released with JOE as participant. Soon after this intro, his interest in demo coding splashed and he never did anything else, i guess. the last news heard about him is that he's into hare krishna stuff... scarry...

However, intro was made for the little fun intro competition with the ENEMY guys who were partying with us. Their intro was better, so we were forced to be satisfied with the second place and drink the winning vine bottle with our winning friends ;))

intro works fine on A500, have some gfx bugs on AGA.

code: joe & suffocator
gfx: safe
music: domin8r

release date: 02/03-jan-94
(corrosion party'94::
the drunkening)

crs-party.lha [main site]
crs-party.lha [amigascne]
crs-party.lha [aminet]

lha archive, 88k.