Opacic's no-word graphic album 'Tajna Paukove Krvi'
(Secret of Spider's Blood) was originally released in print
somewhere in july 2007. it contains number of his original illustrations,
abstract comics and visual-narative experiments, and it was the first
published book in the STUDIOSTRIP edition created in cooperation with
FABRIKA KNJIGA publishing house.

the official page of the book can be seen here>>

the official page of the edition can be seen here>>

as you can see, there has been some effort there invested,
so do buy your copy if you can and support the publisher.

meanwhile, since accessibility of the book is very small
and more or less limited to belgrade and its surroundings,
we believe that its content is too important to collect dust
in any corner of the planet, so we are now releasing a free
version of the book, available for download here at this page
and from other places over a vast network.
the name of the file to download and search would be:
(71MB pdf, 55 pages in 300dpi)

and here it is also as a public torrent to share:

note about the author, from the original book announcement:
(in serbian only, sorry)

Aleksandar Opačić, Kosmolac, 1973.
Slepi čovek-šišmiš, Kosmoplovac, profesor Studio-stripa, duboko u trećoj
dimenziji (3d animacija, grafika, kamera). Po potrebi glavu zamenjuje kamerom, a telo teškim metalom, uglavnom crnim. Učitelj crtanja izbačen zbog nepopustljivog stava prema učenicima/cama ("Sva su deca zaslužila petice"), nastavnik izbačen zbog nepoštovanja nastavnog plana i programa, te sprovodjenja sopstvenog. Sa fakulteta izbačen zbog nepojavljivanja. Prosvetitelj-vizionar, trenutno zaokupljen oblikovanjem vizelnog identiteta Elektromreže Srbije, ali neće još dugo, jer strip je bio i biće mu prioritet. Zbog interesovanja kako sopstvenih tako i nemalog broja njegovih poštovalaca, kolega, životnih saputnika i sledbenika, ovaj usamljenik sa ivice svih provalija, moralnoetičkih, stručnoprofesionalnih, ostaje istinski vernik grafičkog kazivanja, u ovom nesretnom svetu, nespretno nazvanom stripom. Još koja godinica...
